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***  Please note the federal government has extended the deadline to  Feb. 28, 2025, for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year***

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Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility



Communication Accessibility for adults with hearing loss during the COVID-19 pandemic

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the impact the pandemic has had on the daily lives of people who experience hearing loss and deafness.


The rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has been unsettling, changing daily lives of people around the globe. There is a great deal of uncertainty and we are all relying on news briefs, social media, health videos and information provided electronically to ensure we have received the most current health updates. This information is being updated on an hourly basis and it is important the content reaches all Canadians.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the impact the pandemic has had on the daily lives of people who experience hearing loss and deafness. This information will help us better understand how the pandemic has been experienced and also how information about the virus and disease can best be delivered to the public.

This survey is part of a larger Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA), Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility and University of British Columbia partnership project that will help us better understand ways to create accessible content and guidelines for Canadians that require accessible communication. CHHA and Wavefront Centre are working together to ensure the government, broadcasters and others are learning about accessible communication.

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey with questions about your thoughts, feelings and behaviours in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The survey will close on Friday, April 9th.


Principal Investigator | Dr. Brenda Poon
Senior Research Fellow, Research Division Lead, Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility, Assistant Professor, School of Population & Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, The University of British Columbia

Co-Principal Investigator | Dr. Lorienne M. Jenstad
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences, The University of British Columbia

Sponsor | Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA)


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