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***Please note the federal government has extended the deadline to  Feb. 28, 2025, for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year***

Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility

Deafblind Coordinator reading header through ClearView Go

Our Services

DeafBlind Services

Wavefront Centre’s Therapeutic Activation Program aims to empower DeafBlind seniors and older adults through services that support connection, independence and access in their communities.

DeafBlind Services

To get involved or for more information, please contact:

Ryan Ollis, Program Coordinator

Deafblindness is a disability where there is a combination of hearing loss and vision loss, ranging from mild to severe. DeafBlind individuals are diverse and have specific needs based on age, onset, and type of deafblindness. DeafBlind individuals experience challenges with communication, access to information and mobility. As such, they are more likely to experience social isolation. Currently, there are limited services set up in British Columbia that can support the unique communication and accessibility needs of DeafBlind adults and seniors.

Wavefront Centre’s Therapeutic Activation Program for Older Adults and Seniors (TAPS) is a program that aims to empower DeafBlind seniors and older adults through services that support connection, independence and access in their communities. TAPS offers intervenor services that match DeafBlind individuals’ needs and communication preferences, as well as workshops and referral services.

Ryan Ollis, Deafblind Coordinator & Rachel Kavanagh, DeafBlind Intervenor sit across from each other in an office and communicate using tactile ASL. Ryan wears a grey hat and grey shirt, while Rachel wears a black shirt; they are both smiling. In the background to the left, a CCTV shows magnified text, and the head of a guide dog is seen near Ryan’s knee.

Ryan Ollis, Deafblind Coordinator & Rachel Kavanagh, DeafBlind Intervenor sit across from each other in an office and communicate using tactile ASL. Ryan wears a grey hat and grey shirt, while Rachel wears a black shirt; they are both smiling. In the background to the left, a CCTV shows magnified text, and the head of a guide dog is seen near Ryan’s knee.

Our program aims to:

  1. Increase access to social, physical, educational and nutritional supports;
  2. Improve the quality of life;
  3. Increase a sense of social connectedness; and
  4. Reduce older adults’ use of home health, adult day care, assisted living and/or resident care services.

Donate now to help us make a difference and help us support our DeafBlind community. 

Wavefront Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors is made in partnership with the United Way Healthy Aging program, funded by the Government of BC and managed by United Way of the Lower Mainland.

Our DeafBlind Intervenor services are supported in part by Disability Alliance BC.

To get involved or for more information, please contact:

Ryan Ollis, Program Coordinator


The Story of DeafBlind Goldilocks (click the images below to enlarge):


Make an impact today to support DeafBlind community members like Goldilocks.


Accessible brand and website made with heart by Harc Creative