The online questionnaire will take about 25 minutes to complete. Each question also includes an embedded link to a video with translation of the question in American Sign Language (ASL). At the end of the questionnaire, you will be asked to provide your email address if you are interested in receiving further information about the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA) and the support they offer. You are not required to provide your email address.
Study Team
This study is being conducted by a research team led by Drs. Brenda Poon and Lorienne Jenstad. If you have any questions or require assistance in completing this survey, please email our project team member Kaitlyn at
Risks and Benefits of Participation
There are no known or suspected risks associated with participating in this study. However, by participating, you will help us better understand ways Canadians that require accessible communication can reach up-to-date information about the pandemic.
Your confidentiality will be respected. All the survey data will be kept secure and stored and backed up in Canada. Questionnaire responses will be stored separately from the optional identifying information. All the survey responses you provide will be used solely for research purposes and only members of the research team will have access to the data. Summaries of the survey results may be provided in future presentations, reports, or journal articles. The Principal Investigators may be required by journals to make the study findings and/or de-identified data available at the time of publication.
The personal information that we collect from you if you choose to share it (specifically, your email address) will never be stored with your survey responses or your study data, and will only be shared with CHHA with your permission. Even with this effort to maintain privacy, however, there is still the potential that you may be at risk for loss of privacy if the de-identified study data were to be made public. You will not be able to withdraw your survey data once submitted.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time. There will be no penalty if you choose not to participate or if you start to participate and then change your mind. If you decline to participate, there will be no jeopardy to your treatment or standing whatsoever. Clicking the arrow below indicates that you have understood the information regarding participation and agree to participate.
If you have any concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, contact the Research Participant Complaint Line in the UBC Office of Research Ethics at 604-822-8598 or if long distance e-mail or call toll free 1-877-822-8598.
UBC Ethics ID Number: H20-03937